For each fully completed questionnaire, you will immediately receive your personal profile and detailed explanations, facilitating the interpretation of your profile
When completing the questionnaires, your current situation may affect your answers. Therefore, before completing each questionnaire, you will be asked to specify your current mood. You can also complete the questionnaires several times.
Questionnaire to assess professional interests (VIT; 45 Items)
Questionnaire to assess professional interests (VIT; 45 Items)

This questionnaire captures six professional interests through 45 items. The interests are divided into R (realistic); I (investigative); A (artistic); S (social); E (enterprising) and C (conventional).
Completing this questionnaire takes you about 4 to 8 minutes.
Questionnaire to assess professional interests (N-29-R; 207 questions)
Questionnaire to assess professional interests (N-29-R; 207 questions)

The updated N-29-R2 questionnaire is based on 30 dimensions to assess job-related individual tendencies. The questionnaire contains 207 items.
Completing this questionnaire takes you about 10 to 20 minutes.
Questionnaire to assess satisfaction with life (SWLS; 5 questions)
Questionnaire to assess satisfaction with life (SWLS; 5 questions)

Life satisfaction is captured on the basis of 5 questions.
Completing this questionnaire takes you about 2 minutes.